Our services include the starting of young horses for all disiplines, float training, handling young stock and re-education of problem horses
Training a horse for reining is a long, slow process. I have been training reining horses for over thirty years and I have yet to find a way to "finish" a reining horse in a few months
A reining horse must be relaxed and confident in the reining pen and only a one-step-at-a-time training program will accomplish that. There is no better way to instill confidence and knowledge into your horse than to teach him the first steps first - the "basics". The basics are a series of exercises that are the foundation for more difficult ones and basic exercises are an essential part of every training program. Not only do they progress the horse from simple to complex, but are also essential tools to fall back on when the horse encounters difficulty with any advanced maneuver.
I go through basic exercises every time I ride every horse.
Roger T
It's not often in life you meet someone who has so much drive, passion and dedication to a sport. John Mark possesses these qualities and constantly strives for perfection in his handling, riding and training of performance horses. I have had several horses started by John, I say 'started' because they dont come home with broken spirits but are...